Thursday, February 2, 2012

Heinz 57

Yes, in spirit of my neverending corniness, I am writing in my comeback post only to say that I intend to play CATCHUP and what better way to announce that then the classic, American staple of >>>>>>>>>>>

Ah, where would one start, so much has happened! So hard to believe that the last post was in November!

Things that have happened and I have yet to put here... well, let's see, there's Louisville, more Blitzen Trapper, Z and Cesca, Gypsy music, Napa, new gear, songwriting, new gear, UofL basketball, new classes, and more, in no particular order.

So, yea, I am living, breathing, and in the next few days, I will dump a bottle of Heinz upon these pages.

It's so dumb, really. The whole purpose for this blog was for myself to be able to document my own thoughts / sentiments. Yet, I keep finding it complicated to document them once I am caught in the moment, and wait until later when they are almost evaporated from my head.

I will do my best to recollect all the accounts. Let's see how much I succeed.